Thursday, July 6, 2017


1. Major things to consider in life is can be made by a small push. like 80:20 principle. 80% of the work done in a office is by 20% of people. A small difference can make bigger difference in life

Spiritual Life
1. Dont Miss family prayer every day
2. Teach kids about bible, in this vacation, try bible cartoons, Bible movies etc.
3. Make a cart of sunday school sylabus and mark or comment on that chart

1.Make sure you have a plan for 10 years, 5 years, 2 Years, 1 Year, this month, this week, write down all your plans and analyse.
2.Invest in Education, Books, knowlege.
3.Check News every day, If you dont know about the new world in this new economy, you cant lead your life in the future.
4.Try to tell stories from books,

1.Keep in touch with Family (Use Technology like watzapp)
2. Take family photo once in a month (use mobile phone) this will be greate memory, once you are old.

1.Check your family health every year, if you are not phycially healthy, your mind wont work well
2. Plan your healthy diet - Plan for the next few days what to cook.

1. Make Sure you write down all expenses and audit weekly and monthly
2. write your financial goals the same way (for 10 years, 5 years, 2 Years, 1 Year, this month, this week, write down all your plans and analyse.). Like draw plan before construction(If the plan is pefect the final product will be nice)
3. Buy only good gadjets which last long.

1. The New world is not only for knowledge, its also for creative. read a lot of books, Visit Lot of places, Watch good movies

1. Think positive, up and downs will be part of life

1. Time table to be updated in every week, make a home calender for studies every week (train kids to make that and update the status)

12 Things You Should Never Pay for With Cash

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