Sunday, November 12, 2017

EIT FE Exam - Linear Systems

8. Linear Systems        --                  5–8
  • A. Frequency/transient response
  • B. Resonance
  • C. Laplace transforms
  • D. Transfer functions
  • E. 2-port theory

9. Signal Processing    ----                5–8
  • A. Convolution (continuous and discrete)
  • B. Difference equations
  • C. Z-transforms
  • D. Sampling (e.g., aliasing, Nyquist theorem)
  • E. Analog filters

  • F. Digital filters

14. Communications       --             5–8
  • A. Basic modulation/demodulation concepts (e.g., AM, FM, PCM)
  • B. Fourier transforms/Fourier series
  • C. Multiplexing (e.g., time division, frequency division)
  • D. Digital communications 
(Total Marks - 15-24)

Lets consider all these three chapters as a single subject and will study the essentials only

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