Monday, March 29, 2021

Everyday Questions to a teenager

 Invent a new type of transportation for the future. Who uses it? Where does it go?

  1. If you had a time machine, where would you visit first — the past or the future? Why?
  2. Make up a story about where thunder comes from. 
  3. What your life would be like if you turned into invisible. What would you do every day?
  4. If the doctor say you have only 100 days to live and you cant travel, what to do?
  5. If you find in newspapers there will be scarecity of food and vegetables, what will you do?
  6. Write a silly or scary story to tell around a campfire.
  7. If you lost in forest alone what will you do?
  8. If one day morning you got paralyzed, what will you do??
  9. One day morning you woke up and found you have 60 years old and what will you do??
  10. Finish this story: “One thing I’ll never do again,” 
  11. You’ve been invited to a ball at the Queen’s palace! What is it like?
  12. Write a poem about “strawberry.”
  13. Tell me a story about an astronaut visiting another planet. Where are they going? How do they get there? What do they take with them?
  14. Write a story that takes place in the desert, a person alone.
  15. Oh no — your balloon blew away! Write about what happens from the balloon’s perspective. 
  16. If you could invent a TV show, what would it be about?
  17. If you want to write a new books can you describe about that?
  18. Boom, you’re a superhero! Give yourself an origin story, describe your superpowers and plan what you’ll do to make the world a better place. 
  19. You fell asleep for 100 years. What does the world look like when you wake up?
  20. You’re a scientist and you’ve just discovered a new type of  equipment, but your team mate took all the credits? what will you do??
  21. Once upon a time, an old inventor built a weather machine. It sat undiscovered for years — until you found it. What happens next?
  22. You win a million dollars, but there’s a catch — you have to spend it all in 24 hours, or you lose all the money. What do you do?
  23. If you were in charge of the classroom for a day, what would your class do?
  24. If you could make up a new holiday, when would it be and what would it celebrate?
  25. if you need to invent a new vegetable dish, what will be that??
  26. If you could go on vacation anywhere in the Eurore, Africa, South America for 30 Days each, where would you go? Make a plan and tell the story of your dream vacation.
  27. Invent a new type of cookie. What does it taste like?
  28. What’s the most boring superpower you can think of? How would it be useful?
  29. Invent a new sport. What is it called? What are the rules?
  30. Describe the most beautiful sunrise or sunset you’ve ever seen.
  31. If you could live in any book or movie, which one would you choose and why?
  32. If you could pass any law, what would it be?
  33. Would you rather it was always raining, or always snowing?
  34. Imagine you’re a toy inventor. What toy will you create?
  35. Would you rather climb to the top of a mountain or go scuba diving?
  36. If you are a Journalist, Writer, Farm worker who work from 4:AM, make a story about how to improve the life?
  37. Write about something you are good at. 
  38. If you could write a self help book, what would you write about?
  39. If you could spend a Saturday doing anything you wanted in your city, what adventures would you get up to?
  40. What is your favorite math game and why?
  41. Describe your real-life superpower.
  42. Plan the perfect birthday party for yourself. 
  43. What are three good things you can do for the environment? How can you encourage the people around you to do good things for the environment??

  1. What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years?
  2. What do you do when you feel bored?
  3. Who is your hero and why?
  4. What would you like to learn how to do?
  5. What subject is not taught in school that you think should be?
  6. How would you describe your personality?
  7. When is the last time you have been excited about something?
  8. When is the last time you have been disappointed?
  9. What is the last thing that you and your best friend fought about?
  10. What is your favorite holiday and why?

  1. Which would you rather have: $1 million today or 1 cent doubled every day for 30 days? (This teaches your teen about compound interest.) 
  2. Would you rather be the boss or employee, and what would make you better at one position versus the other? 
  3. If you could have only one superpower, what would it be? 
  4. Describe yourself in 5 words or less. 
  5. If you could give every person in the world a gift but it would have to be the same gift, what would that gift be? 
  6. Imagine you’re the President and you need to have 3 people to assist you. Who would you pick and why? 
  7. If you could set one rule for the family that we all have to follow, what would it be? 
  8. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 
  9. When do you feel a child or teen becomes an adult? 
  10. What have you learned in life that you feel will be the most useful? 
  11. Describe what a perfect day would be from the moment you wake up until bedtime. 
  12. If you could change anything in the world, what 3 things would it be and why? 
  13. If you could eat dinner with 3 people you don’t know, who would it be and where would you go? 
  14. Do you think it’s better to have one great skill you’re an A+ at or many skills you’re a C at and why? 
  15. What’s the best invention you’ve seen most recently and what do you like about it? 
  16. What makes our family amazing that you feel is unique about us? 
  17. What are 3 things you are grateful for in your life, and why? 
  18. What are 3 really small victories that you’ve had in the last few days that you’re proud of? 
  19. What’s a hobby that you don’t currently have that you’d love to learn? What’s holding you back? 
  20. What do you feel are the most important things to living a great life? 
  21. If we lost everything we owned today but could keep 3 things, what would you pick and why? 
  22. Imagine you’re the teacher tomorrow at school. What are 3 things you’d teach that you think would help make school more useful for one’s future? 
  23. When someone is feeling stressed, what are 3 suggestions you’d share with them on how to feel less stressed? 
  24. What do you feel is the hardest job in the world and why? 
  25. How would you explain the word “love” to someone without using the word “love?” 
  26. Do you believe money can or can’t buy happiness? 
  27. Think of the worst thing that’s happened to you…what did you learn from it? 
  28. Of all the things you’re learning, what do you think will be most useful as an adult? 
  29. If you could travel back in time 3 years, what advice would you give yourself? 
  30. Which of your friends do you think I would like most? Why? 
  31. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you be famous for? 
  32. How would you change the world if you could? 
  33. How can you help someone today? 
  34. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be? 
  35. If you had enough money that you never had to work, what would you do with your time? 
  36. Have you passed up on any chances that you now regret? What were they? 
  37. If you were told you would live forever, what would you change about your life? 
  38. What are you most afraid of? 
  39. What do you think is keeping you from complete happiness? 
  40. What’s your greatest strength and your greatest weakness? 
  41. What is the achievement you’re most proud of and why? 
  42. What’s one thing you did in the last 24 hours to make someone’s life better? 
  43. Where in the world would you most like to live? 
  44. What’s had the greatest impact on your life, good or bad, and why? 
  45. What do you do when you can’t sleep at night? 
  46. If we experience our greatest moments of growth and learning from failure, why are we so afraid to fail? 
  47. What product would you stockpile if you found out it wasn’t going to be sold anymore? 
  48. Do you have any bad habits you wish you could break? What are they? 
  49. If you had no physical, financial or other obstacles, what skill would you like to have? 

Some Thoughts
  1. Should kids be allowed to use social media unsupervised? Why or why not?
  2. Convince your best friend to read your favorite book.
  3. Persuade someone to start a healthy habit, or get rid of a bad one.
  4. Is it better to read the book before you watch the movie, or watch the movie before you read the book?
  5. Should all single-use plastics be outlawed? Why or why not?
  6. Should our school have a dress code? Why or why not?
  7. Write a commercial for uppumavu breakfast food. What would convince someone else to try it?
  8. Is it better to have lots of friends, or just a few really good friends?
  9. Do you think children should be allowed to stay up as late as they want?
  10. If you want to become 6 pack within a year what to do?
  11. When was the last time you were kind to someone? How can you be kind to someone today?
  12. What are the qualities you look for in a friend? Why is it important to be a good friend?
  13. What does responsibility mean to you?
  14. If you and your family lost all your money and what to do next
  15. How do you use math in your everyday life?

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