Thursday, February 3, 2022

Grass in your Home

 Fountain grass

This is a profusely flowering perennial clump-forming grass about 60-80 centimetres (2-2.5 feet) high. Its leaves spread outwards and it bears long red-brown or white flower spikes, like tiny fox tails, in summer.

Lemon grass
Lemon grass is an easy-going pernnial tropical plant that is quite happy in full sun and in average garden soil (a garden soil with equal proportions of sand, silt and clay matter is considered ideal as a growth medium).

Lemon grass forms dense clumps that can grow 2-3 feet tall in one to three years, depending on how vigorously they are growing. They become quite woody in the centre, so you may need an old pruning saw (don’t use a new one – you’ll quickly dull its blade) to cut the clumps into pieces for propagation.

Horsetail reed grass
Equisetum breaks down into two Latin words, meaning ‘horse’ and ‘bristle’. It is a perennial herb that is evergreen (although the green colour will fade somewhat during the course of a rough winter), but this ancient plant is more closely related to ferns than to the perennials which we are most accustomed to growing in our gardens.

Dianella grass
This evergreen perennial grows to about 1.2 metres height. It has tough, grass-like leaves and branched panicles of violet-blue flowers 2 centimetres wide, with prominent yellow stamens, followed by glossy violet-blue berries.

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