Friday, May 5, 2023

Story of USA 100-200

 105 (5/5/20203)

Electricity in USA and its expansion.

Farms electrification was difficult.

Rail Road Electrification

St, Clair Electrification 

Electrification of Cascade 

Main Authors in USA

  1. Ernest Hemingway
  2. Mark Twain
  3. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  4. Harper Lee
  5. T.S. Eliot
  6. F. Scott Fitzgerald (
  7. Edgar Allan Poe
  8. Emily Dickson
  9. Stephen King
  10. Stan Lee
  11. Isaac Asimov
  12. Arthur Miller
  13. Robert Frost
  14. T. S. Eliot
  15. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  16. Tennessee Williams
  17. John Grisham
  18. Dan Brown

Mission Space in USA


Highway network in USA

Hardy and Laurel Comedian actors
The Musick Box

Dance in USA - 
Savory ball room - New York

Wall Street Crash of 1929 and  and Great Depression
US Steel Crisis.
Black Monday - 13% Down (Dow Jones)
Black Tuesday - 12% Down (Dow Jones)
1350 Banks were crashed.
Import tax increased.

The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act

The Great Deprecision.
Hoover Ville
Hoover Blanket
Hoover Wagon
Hoover Flag

Jessie Jackson - Major of Hoover Ville

Biggest one in St.Louis

hoover failed roosvelt won

1932 revinue act
increse tax

Bank closed infinite

Factories at Detroit closed 80%

FDIC started

Economy act - Reduce the salary of Old Soldier
Gold coin - Not allowed for common peoples

Super Hero Comics in USA
Action Comics Magazine
South Sea strategy
Jerry Siegel
DC Comics
National Align comics
Superman Comics

SuperMarket Network n USA
King Kullen - Mega Super Market - Michel J Kullen
Piggly Wiggly Store - 

Federal Kidnapping Act
Little Lindbergh Law

General Motors Strike - 1937
Flint sit-down strike
United Automobile workers Union

World war production board under president
The Flight
Cars -> Tanks
Typewriter - Riffle
Underwear - net for
Clay - Aircraft repair

Defense Planned corporation
Jessy H Johns from Houston

The Great Deprecision.
Hoover Ville
Hoover Blanket
Hoover Wagon
Hoover Flag

Jessie Jackson - Major of Hoover Ville

Biggest one in St.Louis

hoover failed roosvelt won

1932 revinue act
increse tax

Bank closed infinite

Factories at Detroit closed 80%

FDIC started

Economy act - Reduce the salary

OSS - Second WW
JCS - Joint Chief of Staff
William Joseph Donovan
Flying Tigers -Air  - The design by Walt Disney
pappa boat ww2 (LCVP (United States)-Higgins Boat
The boat and shipps
Andrew Higgins

Battle of Midway - (Jun4, 1942 - Jun7, 1942)

Doolittle Raid

ben kuroki
Japanese peoples and their struggle in USA at WW2
WW2 - Transportation wing.
US Mariancorp
General Alexander Archer Vandergrift
Leap Frogging (Strategy)

Wars in USA
Banana Wars

12 Things You Should Never Pay for With Cash

  Electronics Purchasing a televis...