Saturday, January 27, 2024

Spend your Life

 • The courage to just be myself. 

• Spent more time with the people I love. 

•Made spirituality more of a priority. 

• Spent so much time working. 

• Discovered my purpose earlier. 

• Learned to express my feelings more. 

• I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about things that never happened. 

• Take more risks. 

• Cared less about what other people thought. 

• Realized earlier that happiness is a choice. 

• I had loved more. 

• I had taken better care of myself. 

• I had been a better spouse. 

• Paid less attention to other people’s expectations. 

• Quit my job and found something I really enjoyed doing. 

• Stayed in touch with old friends. 

• Spoken my mind more. 

• I hadn’t spent so much time chasing the wrong things. 

• Sponser more children. 

• Touch more lives. 

• Thought about life’s big question earlier. 

• Traveled more. 

• Lived more in the moment. 

• I had pursued more of my dreams.

12 Things You Should Never Pay for With Cash

  Electronics Purchasing a televis...